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Career and Technical Education
How policymakers can take the next step in supporting student success in CTE.
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Fiscal Transparency
Read why fiscal transparency matters and how it can be used to support students.
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Case Studies: The Art of the Possible in Action
Success stories, case studies, and interviews that show how leaders are putting data to work for students.
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Data and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Regardless of the goals outlined in state ESSA plans, data is needed to measure progress and identify best practices.
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Data and the P–20W Continuum
Policymakers can use these resources to ensure students and families have the data they need to make decisions.
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Resources to Support Asset Framing
Use these resources to examine how we think and talk to ensure the success of every student.
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Show Me the Data: DQC's Annual Analysis of Report Cards
Read DQC's annual analysis of report cards for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Our Work
We envision a world where data is used to drive systemic change, economic mobility, and student success.
About Us
We advocate to change the role of data to ensure that data works for everyone navigating their education and workforce journeys.