P-20W Data

Data and the P–20W Continuum

Data and the P–20W Continuum

No two students have the same path to and through school and work. Each has their own strengths and goals that inform the education and workforce options they pursue. And each deserves to achieve success on the path they’ve chosen. That’s where data comes in. The following are resources from DQC that policymakers can use to ensure students and families have the data they need to make decisions along their journey.

One Student’s Path to Success

Grace’s Path to Success  follows one student, Grace, and her family as they use data to make important decisions that help her reach her goals, from early education to career. Empowered with information on the many options available to her throughout her journey, Grace and her family choose the best pathway for her without making decisions in the dark.

Information is Critical to Supporting Student Success All Along the Way  complements the infographic by diving deeper into what can be achieved when students and their families have data throughout their journey and the steps that state leaders can take to help make this happen in their communities.

Linking and Sharing Data Across Sectors to Bring This Vision to Life

Students and families cannot have the data they need to make decisions during critical transition periods without alignment between K–12, early childhood, postsecondary, and workforce data systems. The following DQC roadmaps explore how state leaders can develop secure, high-quality linkages that allow for information to be available to students and families as a tool for decisionmaking.