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Career and Technical Education
How policymakers can take the next step in supporting student success in CTE.
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DQC Comments on ESSA Report Card Resource
The Department of Education's resource can clarify expectations and push states to continuously improve report cards.
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Show Me the Data: DQC's Annual Analysis of Report Cards
Read DQC's annual analysis of report cards for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
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Show Me the Data 2019
State report cards should provide parents and the public with meaningful information about students and schools.
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Time to Act 2018
State leaders can take steps to put data to work for students—and learn from these 2017–18 best practices.
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Thinking beyond the School Day: How Secure Data Sharing and Community Partnerships Can Improve Student Learning
What is the value of school-community collaboration and secure data sharing?
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Show Me the Data: State Report Cards Must Answer Questions and Inform Action
Everyone deserves to know how their public schools are doing, and states are responsible for creating that clear picture.
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Using Data to Ensure That Teachers Are Learner Ready on Day One
This report highlights how states can lead the way in enduring that that all teachers are learner ready on day…
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Time to Act 2017: Put Data in the Hands of People
The 2017 summary of efforts to act on our Four Policy Priorities and next steps to fully realize the power…
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Cómo los datos fortalecen a los padres
Cuando los padres tienen la información adecuada para tomar decisiones, ¡los alumnos prosperan!
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How Data Empowers Parents
When parents have the right information to make decisions, students excel.
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VIDEO: How Data Empowers Parents
Better information empowers parents to provide better support, make better decisions, and be better advocates.
Our Work
We envision a world where data is used to drive systemic change, economic mobility, and student success.
About Us
We advocate to change the role of data to ensure that data works for everyone navigating their education and workforce journeys.