NPSAS Data is Invaluable. Canceling its Funding is a Critical Loss.
Cancelled Department of Education contracts will have profound negative impacts on decisionmaking at all levels.
Using Data to Advance Education Equity
State policymakers can and should take steps to improve access to equity data for everyone who needs it.
Navigating Chronic Absenteeism: Decisionmakers Need Access to Timely Data
Chronic absenteeism is an all too common challenge facing schools, and leaders can use data to address it.
On-Track Indicators: A Powerful Data-Based Tool for Action
Robust, timely state data is critical to ensuring that every student graduates on time.
Show Me the Data 2023
DQC’s annual review of state report cards explores how states use their most public-facing resource.
Define and Design: Measuring Educational Equity
To combat growing inequities and support students, decisionmakers need role-appropriate access to contextualized data.
Publicly Releasing State Assessment Results Is a Requirement for Supporting Students
States must maintain transparency and share comparable information about student progress.
Show Me the Data 2022 Deep Dive: Data for Equity
Equity-focused indicators are critical information for state report cards.
Show Me the Data 2022
DQC’s annual review of state report cards explores how states use their most public-facing resource.
March 2022 Assessment Update: Using Data to Support Students
Assessment accountability is back for 2021–22.
Show Me the Data 2021
DQC’s annual review of state report cards explores how states use their most public-facing resource.
Rethinking the Future of Career and Technical Education
Last month, Advance CTE released Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education, a vision for…
Accountability, Federal Advocacy, Indicators, Transparency