Exploring Puerto Rico’s Report Card
2019 was the first year DQC included Puerto Rico in our annual review of state report cards.
Show Me the Data: DQC's Annual Analysis of Report Cards
Read DQC's annual analysis of report cards for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Show Me the Data 2019
State report cards should provide parents and the public with meaningful information about students and schools.
Statewide Data Conferences: Making Data Work for Students
Statewide data conferences help states build relationships with those working most closely with education data.
Data is the Key to Making CTE Work for Students
How data can be used to help students on all education and workforce pathways.
Mismatching Outcomes in Boston
Recent analyses from the Education Week Research Center and The Boston Globe help uncover problems, and possible solutions.
Interview: How Leaders in Illinois are Empowering Educators with Secure Access to Student Data
DQC's Abby Cohen shares lessons learned for empowering educators with secure access to student data.
Time to Act 2018
State leaders can take steps to put data to work for students—and learn from these 2017–18 best practices.
Chicago Makes Data the Centerpiece of a Districtwide Improvement Strategy
Reflections on the data-driven strategies that have led to improved student outcomes and opportunities.
Data and the Teacher Workforce
Teachers are the most important in-school factor when it comes to student achievement.
A Teacher's Perspective on DC's Data-Based Personalized Learning Program
How this program ensures that adults closest to students have the information they need to support student success.
Chronic Absence Data Brings a Community Together to Support Students
How leaders in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania used data to collaboratively address chronic absence.
Access, Communications, P-20W Data