Gov. O’Malley Recognized for Leadership in Supporting Data Collection and Use to Improve Student Achievement
Washington, DC, February 16, 2011 – Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley was named today as the winner of the Data Quality…
Georgia Department of Education’s Bob Swiggum Recognized Nationally for Leadership in Supporting Data Use to Improve Student Achievement
Washington, DC, February 16, 2011 – Georgia Department of Education’s Chief Information Officer Bob Swiggum is nationally recognized today for…
Data Quality Campaign Announces Winners of Annual Leadership Award: Four Illinois Policymakers Receive DQC 2009 Leadership Award
Washington, DC — Jan. 29, 2010 — Four Illinois state officials were honored by the Data Quality Campaign (DQC) as…
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We envision a world where data is used to drive systemic change, economic mobility, and student success.
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We advocate to change the role of data to ensure that data works for everyone navigating their education and workforce journeys.