The Guide to Assessments (for Non-Assessment Experts)
The Guide to Assessments breaks down each type of assessment and how it can support student learning.
September Assessment Update: Using Data to Support Students During COVID-19 Recovery
DQC Senior Associate Allie Ball brings an update on where assessments stand at the start of the 2021–22 school…
California Sets a New Bar for P–20W Data Policy
California had a real opportunity to go from last to first—and they have.
Show Me the Data 2021
DQC’s annual review of state report cards explores how states use their most public-facing resource.
Growth Data is Critical for Supporting Student Success
Growth measures provide a more complete picture of school quality.
Assessment Update III: Using Data to Support Students During COVID-19 Recovery
With assessments on the horizon, leaders are doubling down on why assessments matter this year. In this blog post, DQC…
Show Me the Data 2020
State report cards should provide parents and the public with meaningful information about students and schools.
Measuring Growth in 2021: What State Leaders Need to Know
States can take action right now to ensure they can measure growth in 2021 to inform decisionmaking during recovery.
Assessment Update: Using Data to Support Students During COVID-19 Recovery
DQC's Allie Ball details state requests for 2021 assessment waivers.
Coalition Letter on the Importance of 2021 Assessments
The Department of Education must refrain from issuing waivers to states from 2020-2021 statewide assessments.
Student Growth Data is Possible for 2021. How and Why States Should Focus On It
Student growth measures track how much students learn over the course of a single year.
Five Data Things States Should Think About Right Now
DQC's Brennan McMahon Parton shares the five data things states should be thinking about right now.
Accountability, Federal Advocacy, Research