Blair Mann

Vice President, Communications

Blair Mann

We can only make change when we can identify the problem. Ensuring that parents and communities have access to education and workforce data, and that leaders use that information to make changes to solve problems for their communities, is the first step toward making certain that everyone receives the education they deserve.

Blair is DQC’s Vice President, Communications, leading the organization’s efforts to communicate about its mission to change the role of data to ensure that data works for everyone navigating their education and workforce journeys.

Before joining DQC, Blair was director of media relations for the Collaborative for Student Success, where she led efforts to communicate around the need for high standards, aligned assessments, and strong systems of accountability. Prior to that, she advocated for a high-quality education for each and every student by managing communications around K–12 and teacher quality initiatives at The Education Trust.

Blair received her bachelor’s degree in political science and Spanish from the University of Pittsburgh, and earned a master’s degree in public policy, concentrating in education policy, from The George Washington University. When she’s not advocating to improve education for all students, Blair can be found trying new DC restaurants, traveling, or listening to live music.

What is your favorite DQC resource? Grace’s Path to Success shines a light on exactly why students and their families need information every step of the way—and how they can use it to make the right decisions for their students and their future.

Tell us a data use story that you love. Georgia State University gets covered in news articles frequently because it’s the best example out there of institutions of higher education creating data systems to ensure that students succeed. While it would be nice to be able to share other stories, Georgia State is an example of best practice.

Who is the most inspirational person you’ve heard speak? Stacey Abrams