P-20W Data

Data Linkages Enable Individual Support and Shared Success

Data Linkages Enable Individual Support and Shared Success

Individuals, including young people, contend with daily successes and challenges and face unique barriers to achieving their goals. These issues don’t disappear as people move across different settings, including when they step into the classroom; out-of-school factors can influence their academic performance, and vice versa. Individuals need 360-degree support in order to succeed. One way to provide this support is by linking data across systems and sectors, including education, health, social services, and transportation. Data linkages enable system leaders to understand high-level trends and identify best practices at work. Educators, advocates, and families can also use this information to have meaningful conversations about what individuals need and how to make sure they get it. This infographic illustrates that, when all the important people in their lives have appropriate access to information, individuals get the support they need to succeed.

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