Elham (Ellie) Ghezeljeh

Associate, Finance and Operations

Elham (Ellie) Ghezeljeh

Education is key to fighting poverty. And the better the quality of educational data, the better the educational system will be.  

As a member of DQC’s Finance and Operations staff, Ellie provides direct support to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and finance associates. Ellie’s responsibilities include accounting, credit card management, human resources, payroll, and general administrative and other finance functions as well as assisting and supporting the CFO on various projects. 

Before joining DQC, Ellie worked as a finance associate for the Tower Bridge International Group, an organization focused on international education. Ellie graduated from Northern Virginia Community College with an associate’s degree in Business Administration and from George Mason University with a bachelor’s degree in Finance.  

Ellie loves to attend different events and festivals as well as meet new people and make new connections. She likes learning new things, listening to music, playing piano, playing volleyball, and going on long walks on nice trails. She likes spending time with friends in hot spots of the city. 

Who are your education heroes? My family and I are my educational heroes. My dad came from a small town with lots of struggles, but he managed to finish his engineering degree at the top university in the country. My mom managed to get her degree and became a teacher even though around her time and generation, girls did not really continue their higher education and fewer women were in the workforce. I am my education hero because I also came from a small town in a different country and managed to complete my degree at George Mason University. The path to education for me was so complicated and I faced so many obstacles. I am proud of myself for making it happen.

What’s your superpower? My superpower is that I never run out of love and I never give up. I like random acts of kindness.

Who is the most inspirational person you’ve heard speak? Alan Watts is my top favorite philosopher who inspires me to live a happy meaningful life.