In 2019, legislators on both sides of the aisle in nearly every state proposed legislation addressing the use of data to inform decisionmaking to support students on their path to success.
Through proposed legislation, many of these policymakers took steps to improve the foundational data systems and processes that make data work for students and to embed data use within broader proposals to improve public education. This year, legislation highlighted education data as a critical tool for answering states’ policy questions and meeting education goals— from early childhood to K–12, postsecondary, and the workforce.
State legislators across the country need data to meet their education goals.
were introduced in 47 states.

Using data to meet education goals is a bipartisan strategy.
Across the country, Democratic and Republican legislators introduced bills that used data as a tool to help advance their education priorities.
While state legislatures this year are overwhelmingly partisan, legislators demonstrated a willingness to work with their colleagues across the aisle on education data legislation. In 2019, more than one-third of all education data bills had bipartisan sponsorship.
Though more than half of the education data bills saw some movement, most didn’t become law.
One-quarter of this year’s education data bills were successfully enacted, while 45 percent did not see any movement past introduction. Though introduction is a sign of interest from a sponsor, bill movement demonstrates whether a bill was prioritized and its political viability.

Education Data Legislation Review: 2019 State Activity
Supplementary Resources
Looking Back
Education Data Legislation Review: 2018 State Activity
Our review of the 2018 legislative session found states are eager to use data to answer complex questions around how different students are being served and what leaders can do to improve the outcomes for all students.
Looking Back
Education Data Legislation Review: 2017 State Activity
In the 2017 legislative session, data privacy continued to be a focus with more than half of the state bills that were considered on education data addressing the issue. But 2017 also saw states increasingly using legislation to address how they collect, use, and report education data in addition to how they safeguard it.
The Data Quality Campaign tracks legislation in all 50 states and the District of Columbia with provisions that expressly affect the collection and use of education data. The numbers included in this summary reflect state legislation introduced by August 1, 2019.
DQC has been tracking and summarizing legislation since 2014. Click to see our reviews for 2014, 2015 and 2016.