Access, P-20W Data

Use Case: Provide Researchers Access to Data

Use Case: Provide Researchers Access to Data

Corinne’s community-based nonprofit wants to understand the long-term outcomes of students in their community who came from low-income households to improve the nonprofit’s programming to better support students. Luis wants to help state leaders invest in career-readiness programs and employment supports that work for students of all backgrounds. Both are researchers who need data to make their work possible.

Right now, researchers must navigate clunky processes to get the information they need, if they can access it at all. As a result, students, their families, and their communities lack evidence about college and career pathways, and policymakers lack the necessary information to allocate resources to the programs that work. Researchers need access to data to develop these crucial insights for the field. 

Read the use case on how state data systems should support these transitions.