Communications, Federal Advocacy

Federal Advocacy Resources

Federal Advocacy Resources

DQC’s federal advocacy reflects what we learn about the priority needs of states. We meet with agency and legislative staff to educate them and offer recommendations for federal actions that can promote, support, and incentivize improvements to state data ecosystems. This topic guide is a collection of those resources.

2024 Transition Memos

DQC Transition Memo: This resource outlines actions that the incoming administration should take over the next four years to support data access and use in states.

The President’s First Budget Request: This resource details how federal leaders should maintain or increase funding for the SLDS and WDQI grant programs as well as related technical assistance and support.

Workforce Data Transition Memo: A memo cosigned by DQC and our partners that details near- and longer-term steps that federal leaders can take to strengthen the workforce data system.


DCC Learning Agenda: A set of priorities and recommendations developed by the Data Champions Collaborative for policymakers to work toward the DCC’s shared version of data access for all.

DQC Federal Recommendations for AI: This resource outlines DQC’s recommendations for federal actions to help govern the use of AI in state data systems.

SLDS Provisions in the AREA Act: This resource summarizes new SLDS-related provisions in new legislation reauthorizing the ESRA act.

Federal Leaders Can Clear the Way for State Access to Federal Student Aid Data: This resource discusses how the sharing of FSA data can help guide decisionmaking.

Federal Leaders Can Enable State Access to Military Enlistment Data: This resource discusses how states could partner with the DoD to provide military enlistment data to audiences who need it.

Federal Laws Are Not a Barrier to Connecting Data within a Statewide Longitudinal Data System: This resource discusses common myths about integrating data within an SLDS for ongoing uses.

Workforce Data Reforms: Coalition Priorities (2023): This resource outlines the priorities of DQC and partners to improve the existing federal workforce data ecosystem with better data quality and integrate intergovernmental data to improve individuals’ abilities to navigate their workforce development and employment options

Federal Leaders Can Support Improved Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems: This resource explores steps that federal leaders can take to support the creation and development of statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs).

The Federal Role in Safeguarding Student Data: This resource outlines steps federal leaders can take to protect personal data as SLDSs offer better data access to students and families.

States Need Clarity, Resources to Scale Access and Maximize Investments in Data: The examples provided in this resource demonstrate the kinds of supports that are possible when states have clarity about the parameters and rules for linking education, labor, workforce, and other data securely.

Federal Funding for Education Data (2022): This resource identifies FY2022 funding streams that could be leveraged to support state data systems or related data activities.

Letters and Recommendations

ASWA Support Letter (2024): On December 3, 2024, this letter was sent to ranking congressional members to express support for passing the A Stronger Workforce for America Act before the end of the 118th Congress.

FASFA Federal Tax Information Community Sign-On Letter: On October 21, 2024, this letter was sent to various committees urging for legislative action that restores the allowable uses of financial data from the FAFSA to evaluate programs, conduct research, and provide student support services.

FY25 Senate Appropriations SLDS Letter: On April 10, 2024, this letter was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging investments in the SLDS Grant Program and Workforce Data Quality Initiative grants for fiscal year 2025.

E-Rate Program Support Sign-On: This letter, cosigned by DQC, was sent to the FCC in support of the E-Rate program to provide wireless internet services to students and educators for off-premises use.

AREA Act Support and Additional Feedback: On December 11, 2023 this letter was sent to the Senate HELP Committee in support of the Advancing Research in Education Act.

A Stronger Workforce for America Act support letter: On December 11, 2023 this letter was sent to the House Education & the Workforce Committee in support of the workforce data provisions within H.R.6655.

Request for Information Regarding Confidential Unemployment Compensation (UC) Information: On September 25, 2023, this letter was sent to the US Department of Labor in response to a Request for Information about the role that federal UC information should play in helping to further improve opportunities for learners and workers.

Better P–20W Data Will Require More Advanced Workforce Data Systems: This resource outlines the value of effective workforce data and the challenges that policymakers face in making those improvements, and provides recommendations for making better workforce data a reality.

College Transparency Act Sign-on: This letter, cosigned by DQC, was sent to Congress to urge the passing of the College Transparency Act.

DQC FERPA Recommendations: This document outlines DQC’s April 2023 recommendations for the 2024 update of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

DQC Recommendations on ESRA Reauthorization: This document outlines DQC’s April 2023 recommendations for the 2024 update of the Education Science Reform Act.

FY24 Senate Appropriations SLDS Letter: On March 23, 2023, this letter was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging investments in the SLDS Grant Program and Workforce Data Quality Initiative grants for fiscal year 2024.

OMB Letter on Uniform Guidance: On March 13, 2023, this letter was sent to the Office of Management and Budget to share recommendations for guidance revisions that would constitute a deep, coordinated review of federal grants administration and reporting processes.