Access, P-20W Data

Use Case: Connect School and District Leaders to the Information They Need to Ensure That Their Students Thrive

Use Case: Connect School and District Leaders to the Information They Need to Ensure That Their Students Thrive

Eric is a middle school principal who wants to improve student access to mental health services. Jasmine is a district superintendent who needs to know what academic support and wraparound services are available to students in her district. Both K–12 education leaders need data to provide students with the comprehensive support they need to thrive.

Everyone should have access to the information they need to ensure that K–12 students receive necessary support in and out of school. Services like mental health support, academic tutoring, and nutrition assistance programs are critical to ensuring students’ ongoing success. Right now, leaders like Eric and Jasmine cannot meet the information needs of the students and their families who need it most.

Read the use case on how state data systems are uniquely positioned to support K–12 decisionmaking.