Policy Areas
DQC advocates for policies and practices that support individuals throughout their unique education and workforce journeys.
Effective data use has a role in every area of systems that engage individuals along their pathway from school to career. We share resources, recommendations, and expertise aimed at improving outcomes for all individuals.

Data Systems That Work
States need data infrastructure that meets the needs of all of their education and workforce stakeholders—educators and institutional leaders, students and families, local and state education and workforce agencies, policymakers, and the broader public. With modernized P–20W data systems, stakeholders will be better equipped to navigate the many decision points they face on their pathways through education and into the workforce.
Measuring What Matters
Everyone with a stake in education needs data to answer their questions and make decisions. State leaders should develop and share indicators that are based on statewide priorities, grounded in available research on what leads to improved outcomes, and provide a full picture of student progress and success.

From Education to Workforce
States must invest in data systems that link early childhood, K–12, postsecondary, and workforce data to provide everyone from individuals to policymakers with the tools and insights they need to make informed decisions.
Centering Privacy
As data practices and technology evolve, data policies must evolve with them. Centering privacy ensures that there are appropriate privacy guardrails in place that align with state values and goals for data use.

Making Data Publicly Available
People need information to make informed decisions. By ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality, relevant data, leaders empower individuals and demonstrate their commitment to transparency.

Education Data 101
Data is one of the most powerful tools to inform, engage, and create opportunities for individuals along their journey through education and into the workforce—and it‘s much more than test scores.
About Us
We advocate to change the role of data to ensure that data works for everyone navigating their education and workforce journeys.