Getting the Facts Straight about Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
Learn about common questions on linking data across sectors and how to navigate them.
Federal Laws Are Not a Barrier to Connecting Data within a Statewide Longitudinal Data System
SLDSs must be built in compliance with federal laws to combine data across agencies.
Centering Privacy: Data Access and Data Protection Go Hand in Hand
Any vision for data access and use is incomplete without a plan to protect individuals’ privacy.
Investing in California's Data Future: How California's P–20W Cradle-to-Career Data System Could Take the State from Last to First
California's new data system takes the state from data laggard to data leader.
Student Data Privacy in 2022: Cutting through the Noise
The pandemic is shifting, accelerating, or exacerbating existing concerns on student privacy.
Maintaining Student Data Privacy and Public Transparency During the Pandemic
Collecting and reporting data on school COVID cases and vaccination rates is absolutely allowable under federal law.
Legislative Update: Safeguarding Student Data
DQC Senior Associate Mirel Herrera examines relevant highlights from this year's legislative sessions so far.
Safeguarding Student Data in Higher Education
Safeguarding student data is more than just a box checking exercise—it’s a foundational part of effective data use.
Education Data and COVID-19 Recovery: Resources for Leaders
These resources identify the short- and long-term steps that leaders should take to promote COVID-19 recovery.
Maintaining Trust as Data Use Changes: Student Data Privacy and the COVID-19 Crisis
State leaders can empower educators to safeguard data responsibly as they navigate online learning during COVID-19.
Some Legislatures are Considering Education Data Bills Again—Against a Very Different Landscape
The coronavirus pandemic changed how legislatures across the country have operated this session.
EdData Legislation in 2020: What’s Happened So Far?
An update on legislative efforts to address education data as legislators shift their focus to the pandemic.
Access, P-20W Data, Privacy