Communications, Research

What Parents and Teachers Think About Education Data

What Parents and Teachers Think About Education Data

The Data Quality Campaign believes it’s critical to listen to parents and teachers – especially around their views on education data. So in 2018, DQC commissioned its third parent poll and first teacher poll to better understand the opinions of those closest to students. These infographics highlight what we learned, including:

  • Parents and teachers agree on the power of data in the classroom. Teachers use data in a variety of ways each day to support students and use data to start conversations with parents about their child’s learning.
  • Teachers face barriers to using data in the classroom, including a lack of time and training to put data to work for students.
  • Parents value data as a tool to inform decisionmaking and need data to help their children do their best. Teachers want schools to do a better job of getting parents information about their students’ progress in school so they can support learning at home.

While parents and teachers value, trust, and rely on data to support students, more can be done by state and district leaders today to make data use possible. DQC’s Four Policy Priorities to Make Data Work for Students outlines the steps leaders can take to ensure parents and teachers have meaningful access to data and the time and training to use this information in service of student learning.

View the infographics: